Underwriting Questionnaire

Underwriting Questionnaire

This form is for one community property. If you have multiple, please complete a separate form for each one.

The underwriting review can take up to 5 business days to complete. When inspections are required, the review process could take up to 21 business days to complete.

The following items are required to begin the underwriter review:

  • Completed and signed underwriting questionnaire form with calculated value per square foot (signature must be within 30 days of review).
  • Loss runs from property and liability policies covering the location for the past three years.
  • Property management agreement (which must include tenant discrimination coverage) and current property management certificates
  • Blank copy of Tenant Lease/Agreement
  • Lender requirements
  • Inspection Reports or Property Conditions Assessment Report (completed within the past 60 days)
  • Detailed information on past or future renovations (attach punch list and value of upgrades)
  • Photographs of the property (interior & exterior)
  • A list of additional insureds / loss payees to include full name, address, loan number(s), and what the entity is to be named

Additional items required for construction projects:

  • Owner & General Contractor insurance requirements
  • General Contractor’s insurance certificates
  • Certificate of Occupancy (Upon Completion)

The underwriting review can take up to 5 business days to complete. When inspections are required, the review process could take up to 21 business days to complete.