Dearest members, policyholders and partners,
Since our founding in 1987, you have been the reason we exist. And as your needs have expanded and demand has grown, we too have evolved our core offering as a regional member-owned risk retention pool for low-cost insurance and risk management solutions. Today, we are proud to announce that HARRP, AHRP, and ORWACA have combined our service offerings under a single name, Synchrous.
The Synchrous name exemplifies how we have worked together with you in providing better claims service and risk management solutions focused on serving affordable housing entities and owners. It represents a unified and professional banner under which we can all more easily engage and offer our unique diversity of services. This is a welcome change that has been in the planning stages for over a year. We worked with Portland brand consulting agency, OVO to coordinate the rebranding effort. Throughout our close collaboration during the process and following a unanimous vote of confidence from our Board of Directors, the Synchrous name now signifies everything we do. We hope you feel as strongly connected to it as we do.
We remain the same collective of agencies serving the same purpose in the same states; Oregon, Washington, California, and Nevada. As with HARRP, insurer AHRP and service provider ORWACA will also remain as legal entities but will all operate publicly as Synchrous. We feel it’s a simpler reference point and the new name better brings us closer together. In sync.
Outside of the staff, leadership and our board, you are the first to learn of this new name and its associated visual identity. A press release will make the public announcement early next week. And from here forward, we look forward to growing with you.
If you have immediate questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to William Gregory at bill@synchrous.com or (360) 574-9035. We’ll be in touch again very soon with further updates. In the meantime, we hope you’ll find the short Q&A below to be most helpful.
William Gregory
Executive Director & the Synchrous Team
Executive Director & the Synchrous Team
How will the change affect Accounts Receivable/Payable?
Accounting practices will not change. HARRP, AHRP and the ORWACA Insurance Agency will continue to operate as independent legal entities, so all financial transactions will remain as before with their respective entities.